
Friday, August 27, 2010

अब दो लाख तक नहीं लगेगा आयकर

केंद्र सरकार वेतनभोगी वर्ग पर काफी मेहरबान होती नजर आ रही है। सरकार के नए प्रस्ताव से कुछ इसी तरह की तस्वीर उभर कर सामने आई है। सरकार ने व्यक्तिगत आयकर छूट सीमा को मौजूदा 1.6 लाख रुपये से बढ़ाकर दो लाख रुपये करने का प्रस्ताव किया है। यही नहीं, कॉरपोरेट जगत पर भी सरकार की कृपा तय नजर आ रही है। सरकार ने कॉरपोरेट टैक्स पर सरचार्ज एवं सेस हटाने का प्रस्ताव किया है। जाहिर है, ऐसे में कंपनियों को भी काफी राहत मिलने की उम्मीद है। कैबिनेट ने गुरुवार को जिस बहुप्रतीक्षित डायरेक्ट टैक्स कोड (डीटीसी) विधेयक को मंजूरी दी उसी में इन सारी उत्साहवर्धक बातों का उल्लेख किया गया है। संसद के चालू सत्र में ही इसे पेश करने का मन बनाया गया है ताकि अगले वित्त वर्ष से डीटीसी लागू हो सके।

कैबिनेट की बैठक के बाद पत्रकारों से बातचीत में वित्त मंत्री प्रणब मुखर्जी ने ये सारी जानकारियां दीं। उन्होंने टैक्स के स्लैबों का तो खुलासा नहीं किया, लेकिन बताया कि तीन स्लैब होंगे। इसका खुलासा वित्त विधेयक में हेागा। कॉरपोरेट टैक्स के बारे में प्रणब का कहना है कि इसे 30 फीसदी पर ही बरकरार रखने का प्रस्ताव है, लेकिन इस पर कोई सेस या सरचार्ज नहीं लगेगा। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने कहा कि इसके पीछे मुख्य मकसद सरकार द्वारा दी जाने वाली तरह-तरह की कर रियायतों की संख्या को सीमित करना है।

इससे पहले प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह की अध्यक्षता में गुरुवार की शाम यहां हुई बैठक में डीटीसी बिल को पेश करने के बारे में फैसला किया गया। मंत्रालय के सूत्रों से मिली जानकारी के अनुसार यह विधेयक देश के वर्तमान आयकर कानून का स्थान लेगा। इससे देश की कर प्रक्रिया आसान होगी। उनका कहना है कि डीटीसी से कर बोझ तो घटेगा, साथ ही इसका दायरा बढ़ेगा। इस वजह से सरकार को घाटा तो नहीं होगा, पर लोगों को फायदा होगा। सूत्रों का कहना है कि 30 अगस्त को इसे संसद में पेश किया जा सकता है।

वित्त मंत्रालय ने पहले डीटीसी विधेयक पर एक मसौदा तैयार किया था, लेकिन उसके प्रावधानों की उद्योग जगत के साथ-साथ आम आदमी ने भी काफी आलोचना की थी। इसमें पीएफ की निकासी पर टैक्स लगाने और उद्योग जगत की परिसंपत्तियों पर मिनिमम अल्टरनेटिव टैक्स (मैट) के प्रावधानों की सर्वाधिक आलोचना हुई थी। राजस्व सचिव सुनील मित्रा के मुताबिक अगस्त 2009 के दौरान जारी हुए डीटीसी पर 1600 रिप्रेजेंटेशन मिले थे। इन समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए मंत्रालय ने संशोधित डीटीसी तैयार किया।

वित्त मंत्रालय का कहना है कि रिवाइज्ड डीटीसी में सरकारी भविष्य निधि (जीपीएफ), पब्लिक प्रॉविडेंट फंड (पीपीएफ) और रिकॉग्नाइज्ड प्रॉविडेंट फंड (आरपीएफ) पर एग्जेंप्ट-एग्जेंप्ट-एग्जेंप्ट (ईईई) दर्जा बरकरार रहेगा। यही नहंी, भविष्य निधि संगठन की पेंशन योजना के साथ-साथ जनवरी 2004 के बाद भर्ती हुए सरकारी कर्मचारियों की पेंशन योजना पर भी ईईई दर्जा बरकरार रहेगा। उद्योग जगत के लिए राहत की बात यह है कि उन पर लगने वाले मैट में भी संशोधन हुआ। पहले कंपनियों की परिसंपत्तियों को मैट के दायरे में लाया गया था। हालांकि, अब प्रावधान यह है कि कंपनियों के बुक प्रॉफिट पर ही मैट लगेगा।

पहले मसौदे में 1.6 से 10 लाख रुपये तक की आय वालों पर 10 फीसदी, 10 से 15 लाख रुपये की आय वालों पर 20 फीसदी और इससे ऊपर की आय वालों पर 30 फीसदी सलाना के आयकर की सिफारिश की गई थी। संशोधित मसौदे में ऐसा कोई उल्लेख नहीं है। अधिकारियों का कहना है कि कर की दर तो वित्त विधेयक से ही पता लगेगी। संशोधित मसौदे की एक और विशेषता होम लोन लेने वालों के लिए स्पष्टीकरण है। इसमें कहा गया है कि होम लोन के ब्याज भुगतान पर पहले की ही तरह सालाना डेढ़ लाख रुपये की छूट मिलती रहेगी। पहले मसौदे में इस पर कुछ भी नहीं कहा गया था।

बिल में और क्या है खास
आयकर के होंगे तीन स्लैब, लेकिन इसकी दरों का खुलासा नहीं
कॉरपोरेट टैक्स की दर को 30 फीसदी पर ही बरकरार रखने का प्रस्ताव
जीपीएफ, पीपीएफ और आरपीएफ पर ईईई दर्जा बरकरार
ईपीएफओ की पेंशन योजना पर भी ईईई दर्जा कायम
जनवरी 2004 के बाद भर्ती हुए सरकारी कर्मचारियों की पेंशन योजना पर भी ईईई बरकरार
लेकिन यूलिप को रखा ईईई दर्जा के दायरे से बाहर
मैट कंपनी की परिसंपत्तियों के बजाय उसके बुक प्रॉफिट पर ही लगेगा
होम लोन लेने वालों के ब्याज भुगतान पर डेढ़ लाख की सालाना छूट कायम
(ईईई से तात्पर्य निवेश के समय, योगदान व राशि की निकासी के समय तीनों बार मिलने वाली कर छूट से है

New Direct Tax Code: Pay less in taxes from April 2011

New Delhi: A windfall for taxpayers from the next financial year. You will in fact have to pay less Direct taxes in every slab of income. This comes with the Cabinet clearing the Direct tax code.

The much-awaited Direct Taxes Code (DTC) Bill is likely to be tabled in Parliament during the ongoing Monsoon session and thereafter it may be referred to a select committee of members of both houses of Parliament.

The new provisions under the Direct Tax Code are as follows:

  • Tax for income between Rs. 2 lakh - Rs. 5 lakh: 10%
  • Tax for income between Rs. 5 lakh - Rs. 10 lakh: 20%
  • Tax for income over Rs. 10 lakh: 30%
The limit for exemptions for salaried people is Rs. 2 lakh, while that for senior citizens is Rs. 2.5 lakh.

Corporate tax has been kept at 30%.

The new Code comes into effect from April, 2011.

After the approval of the Cabinet, the decks are cleared for tabling the legislation in the Monsoon Session of Parliament so that the new Act ushering in reduced tax rates and exemptions may come into effect from next fiscal.

When enacted, the Code will replace the archaic Income Tax Act and simplify the whole direct tax regime in the country.

The Code aims at reducing tax rates, but expanding the tax base by minimising exemptions.

The Finance Ministry had earlier come out with a draft on the (Direct Tax Code) DTC bill, some of whose provisions drew strong criticism from industry as well as the public.

To address those issues, the ministry brought out the revised draft, dropping earlier proposals of taxing provident funds on withdrawal and levying Minimum Alternate Tax on corporates based on their assets.

"As of now, it is proposed to provide the EEE (Exempt-Exempt-Exempt) method of taxation for Government Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Recognised Provident Funds (RPF) ...", the revised DTC released by the Finance Ministry said.

The revised draft also puts pensions administered by the interim regulator PFRDA, including pension of government employees who were recruited since January 2004, under EEE treatment.

The first DTC draft had proposed to tax all savings schemes including provident funds at the time of withdrawal bringing them under the EET (Exempt-Exempt-Tax) mode.

Under the EEE mode, the tax exemption is enjoyed at all the three stages - investment, accumulation and withdrawal.

The earlier DTC draft had proposed to reduce the corporate tax to 25 per cent from the present 30 per cent. The revised proposal has also made it clear that tax incentives on housing loans will continue. Payment on interest on housing loans up to Rs. 1.5 lakh will continue. The earlier draft was silent on housing loans.

Income Tax limit now 2 Lakh

The proposed Direct Tax Code is a combination of major tax relief and removal of most tax-exempted benefits. It is expected to usher in a new tax regime of transparency and greater compliance writes Dilip Maitra.

When archaic rules have to be replaced with new ones, the changes must be dramatic and path breaking. This is what Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee conveyed to all taxpayers when he introduced the draft Direct Tax Code (Tax Code) last week. The Tax Code, now open to public debate, will be introduced as a Bill in Parliament’s winter session. If passed, it will become the new Income Tax Act, replacing the existing four decade old IT Act of 1961. The new IT Act will come into force from April 1, 2011.

In the foreward to the Tax Code Mukherjee explains that the aim is to eliminate distortions in the tax structure, introduce moderate levels of taxation, expand the tax base, improve tax compliance, simplify the language and lower tax litigations. Initial analysis shows that most of these objectives are achievable by tweaking of some provisions.

Talking to Deccan Herald, KPMG Executive Director Personal Taxation, IT & ESOP Vikas Vasal said “The new proposals are in the right direction. They will simplify regulations and reduce unnecessary litigations significantly.”

Agreed Bangalore Chamber of Industry & Commerce (BCIC) President K R Girish. “The Code is a completely new law and not an amendment of the existing Income Tax Act. This is a commendable change as one has always experienced tinkering of existing laws, ” observes Girish.

Major gains for individuals

What do the major changes proposed in the Tax Code look like? Personal income tax, almost all salaried persons will agree, in our country is one of the highest in the world. More open and honest an employer is in terms of disclosing remunerations, worse it is for the employees because taxable income goes up. The present system thus rewards dishonesty and non-disclosure of income by way of lower tax. The Tax Code will try to address these issues by significantly lowering income tax and by disallowing all tax-free perks. It proposed exemption of income tax on specified savings up to Rs 3 lakh a year as against the present deduction limit of Rs 1 lakh for all types of savings under 80C of the IT Act. The catch, however, is that a few long term investments like public provident fund, employer’s provident fund, insurance premium in pension (annuity) schemes, Post Office National Savings Scheme etc will be eligible for tax exemption.

But contributions to fixed deposits, interest and principal payment on housing loans, educational expenses of dependents, and a host of other forms of savings will not qualify as eligible for tax savings. The thrust, clearly, is to induce long term savings for future needs.

The Tax Code also raised income tax slabs significantly, lowering the tax burden on individuals. The draft proposed exempting the general tax payer from paying tax for income up to Rs 1.60 lakh a year.

According to the proposal, a tax payer will pay at the rate of 10 per cent for income above Rs 1.60 lakh and up to Rs 10 lakh, at 20 per cent on income between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 25 lakh and at 30 per cent for income beyond Rs 25 lakh.

At present, while the basic exemption limit remains at Rs 1.60 lakh a year, the limit for tax slabs are much lower — one pays 10 per cent tax on income ranging between Rs 1.60 lakh and Rs 3 lakh, 20 per cent between Rs 3 lakh and Rs 5 lakh and 30 per cent beyond Rs 5 lakh.

Thus, for an individual with taxable income of Rs 10 lakh a year tax payment will drop from Rs 1.68 lakh to Rs 51,000, a net annual saving of Rs 1.17 lakh. The exemption limit for women and senior citizens will continue to be Rs 1.90 lakh and Rs 2.40 lakh, respectively.

Not without pains

If the finance minister is for giving major relief to tax payers, he will also make sure that there aren’t many avenues to avoid taxes. So, as a rider, the Tax Code proposes to add all perquisites enjoyed by a tax payer to income for the purpose of tax calculations. In other words, allowances like leave travel, furnishings, entertainment expenses, conveyance, medical etc, will be added to income.

Similarly, the tax treatment for post-retirement benefits may prove to be a major dampener. Money saved in specified instruments like PPF and PF for getting tax exemption will become taxable when they are withdrawn later.

These investments, when accrued, were earlier exempted from tax. The Tax Code says that under the Exempt Exempt Tax (EET) system all withdrawals will attract tax because the amount withdrawn will be treated as part of the income for that year.

But in the Tax Code it is unclear if the employee’s contribution to PF and PPF will be taxed at the time of withdrawal. KPMG’s Vasal says that this is an anomaly that needs to be corrected. He believes that only the employer’s contribution and interest accrued to the account will be taxed.

Though taxing financial gains available after retirement will pinch the retired people, Vasal is of the view that the proposal is equitable as income is liable to be taxed at least once.

However, as a relief to senior citizens, tax exemption limits for them should be raised to Rs 5 lakh per annum instead of Rs 2.40 lakh at present. The Tax Code, however, specified that the tax exempt status currently available to withdrawals would continue to apply to amounts accumulated in post-retirement savings schemes like PPF, EPF, etc, up to March 31, 2011. Money that accrues from April 1, 2011 will be taxed on withdrawal.

Wealth tax benefits

The proposed Tax Code has sought to make major changes in wealth tax calculations and rates.

The threshold limit for wealth tax will be raised to Rs 50 crore from the present Rs 30 lakh and the tax rate was reduced from 1 per cent to 0.25 per cent.

But, in a smart move, to expand the scope of taxation the Tax Code included financial assets like shares, corporate bonds, fixed deposits, etc in wealth tax. The valuation of these assets will be done at cost or at market price, whichever is lower. In case of capital gains tax too, the Tax Code proposed some sweeping changes. It has done away with the present system of short-term and long-term capital gain tax, and replaced it with a uniform structure and gains will be taxed at the marginal tax rate as applicable to the tax payer. The implications of these changes are clear: The period of holding has no bearing on the tax payable and bigger investors will be taxed at higher rates than the smaller ones.

A mixed bag

For the corporate world, the proposed reduction in the tax rate to 25 per cent from the existing 30 per cent is certainly good news and will help lowering the tax burden of India Inc in a big way. But at the same time the Tax Code proposes to do away with many exemptions that help lowering the tax. In a significant policy change, the Tax Code plans to discontinue all profit linked incentives for area-based investments like setting up plants in a backward area or in the north-east with investment-linked incentives in specific sectors like infrastructure, power, exploration and oil production etc.

Moreover, under the new proposal, tax holiday will not be for a specific period, as is the case now, but will be equal to all capital and revenue expenditure barring land, goodwill and debts.

Once a firm recovers the permitted investments and profits will be taxed. This change is aimed at incentivising capital formation in critical areas and remove incentives to shift profits from the taxable unit to the exempted unit.

On the mat

The Tax Code has also proposed changes in the calculation of minimum alternate tax (MAT) payable by corporates. MAT will now be levied at 2 per cent of the value of gross assets of a firm in case of all companies except for banks which will pay tax at 0.25 per cent. This shift in MAT from book profits to gross assets is aimed at encouraging optimal utilisation and increased efficiency of assets.

But Ernst & Young Partner- Tax & Regulatory Services, Sudhir Kapadia feels that this proposal seems to run counter to the objective of encouraging of capital investments for productive growth. Vasal of KPMG also of the view that changes in MAT rule will cause hardship to loss making companies as they will have to pay tax on assets.

Carrot and stick

If the Tax Code is generous in giving relief to tax payers, be sure, it will also make life miserable for those who evade tax through fraudulent means. As the Tax Code prescribes stiff penalties and prosecution for non-compliance with the tax laws, it proposes that every tax offense under the Code will be punishable by both imprisonment and fine.

Apart from defaulters, the Tax Code proposes to punish tax consultants who help in tax evasion. It gives sweeping powers and blanket protection to Income Tax officials for initiating court proceedings on matters relating to tax offences.

Direct Tax Code Document

Click Here To Download

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Watz fastst thng in World?

OxfrdGuy: Light

HarvrdGuy: Thought
TxasGuy: Blink of Eye

Banta- Loose Motions


Newly WEDDED santa nd his wife
Santa's wife: Humari Shadi Ko 24 Ghante Ho Chuke Hai

Santa in ROMANTIC style:Aur Esa Lagta Hai Jese Kal Ki Hi Baat Ho


अब जी-मेल से करो फोन कॉल

अब तक आप जी-मेल के जरिए सिर्फ अपने मेल भेज सकते थे या फिर दूसरों के मेल रिसीव कर सकते थे। लेकिन अब आप जी-मेल के जरिए फोन कॉल भी कर सकेंगे। गूगल के जरिए कंप्यूटर से कंप्यूटर पर व्वायस या फिर वीडियो कॉल तो आप पहले भी कर सकते थे। लेकिन पहली बार जी-मेल सर्विस देने वाली कंपनी गूगल ने जी-मेल के जरिए मोबाइल फोन या फिर लैंड लाइन फोन पर कॉल करने की सुविधा शुरू करने का ऐलान कर दिया है।

अपनी इस नई सर्विस के जरिए गूगल वेब कॉलिंग सर्विस देने वाली कंपनियों, स्पाइक और एटी एंड टी को टक्कर देने की तैयारी कर रही है। अमेरिका और कनाडा के लिए जी-मेल की ये फोन कॉल सर्विस इस साल मुफ्त में दी जाएगी। वहीं ब्रिटेन, फ्रांस, जर्मनी, चीन और जापान के लोगों को यह सर्विस 2 सेंट प्रति मिनट की बेहद सस्ती कॉल दर पर दी जाएगी।

Friday, August 20, 2010

Movie Review: Lafangey Parindey

Who says critics are useless? Now you don't have to see this movie, unless of course, you derive some satisfaction/pleasure from graphic violence, unforgivably cliched scripts, migraine-inducing songs, and/or repeated sightings of Neil Nitin Mukesh's bare arms.

Make no mistake, this is a film replete with awful acting that glorifies nihilism - this is in-your-face movie-making by people with a moral compass badly askew. The title 'Lafangey Parindey' is an apt metaphor for the production house behind this flick which ultimately bobs and weaves a lot but ends up all empty air. Maybe it's a cultural thing but there's nothing remotely entertaining in 'Lafangey Parindey' - its just an exercise in silliness designed to rob you of Rs 300+. Director Pradeep Sarkar (of Laga Chunari me Daag fame) offers a lame attempt to do what Guy Ritchie has frequently done better - and with far more cinematic artistry. If he earns no other accolades for this directorial effort - a distinct likelihood - Sarkar deserves some kind of award just for assembling the most bizarrely inept cast and ideas of this young century. He's put together this film with the offhand shoddiness of a government worker thinking about his Saturday evening beer.

It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment when it becomes clear that this lurid, steroidal 'masala entertainer' is certifiably insane (or at least a lot funnier than it means to be), but it's pretty early on. Everyone seems to be sleepwalking through this film. Except for Deepika Padukone, who is such a terrible actress that she couldn't even act like she's sleepwalking. She is so staggeringly awful, such an ordeal to sit through, that it's hard to know where to start talking about it. But even the film's cast is done in by the deathless mediocrity of the production, an assemblage of random camera shots, messy editing, redundant scenes, and witless dialogue as haphazardly stitched together as the flesh on a burn victim's face. In 'Lafangey Parindey', Neil Nitin Mukesh plays Nandu, a yuppie biker who likes to punch folks in the face. So how come he couldn't yank director Sarkar out of his coma with his one-shot? All Neil does is stride around in gelled hair, talk fake tapori and ham to the hilt, deplorably abusing the good will he garnered after surprising everyone with 'Johnny Gaddar'.

Gopi Puthran's script can't quite get a grasp on character depth, yet it also can't quite deliver the cheap thrills such a trashy tale might otherwise provide. The storytelling is so overwrought and misguided, 'Lafangey Parindey' winds up as a colossal car wreck. It doesn't take long to figure out that Deepika, as a blind rollerskating dancer, and Neil Nitin as her doting, blindfolded hero are the most unconvincing team of hired actors in Bollywood history. Really, why bother roping in Deepika for a role in which she's supposed to dance? What's more, Mr Sarkar is so lazy that he doesn't even bother concealing the body double used for the dancing/rollerskating Ballerina scenes. After what seems like an eternity of bludgeoning us into open-jawed bafflement, 'Lafangey Parindey' is best aborted, and flushed away as one of 2010's more unpleasant memories.

You can surely tell 'Lafangey Parindey' has been passed through Sanjib Datta's editing bay one too many times. Style over substance is the norm as the whole film looks like what someone might vomit up after partially digesting Natarajan Subramanian's digitised footage. Eldridge Rodrigues' insistently fussy and grandiose production design mistakes extra-crisp textures, brilliant colors and high contrast backdrops for story atmosphere and style. Yes it's flashy as hell, but amphetamine-fueled methods do not compensate for distinct lack of substance. Sham Kaushal's action all but forces its bulky, twitching mass down your throat until you realise you haven't been entertained but assaulted.

'Lafangey Parindey' is certainly a front runner for one of the worst mainstream Bollywood releases of the year. It will try your patience and give you a throbbing headache - about all it does with any success. The only people who deserve to see this film are Rahul Mahajan and the CEO of British Petroleum.

25 Most Promising New Products for 2010

25 Most Promising New Products for 2010

2010 is a promising year for bring you the most functional, promising, and novel of the batch. If youre tired of waiting for flying cars and voice-controlled sunglasses, this just might be your year.

25. nPower Personal Energy Generator

The PEG harvests one of the biggest energy hogs on earthyou. Place the little device into your bag or briefcase, plug in your cell phone, GPS, or iPod, and let your kinetic energy power up your gadgets while you walk. You can get an 80% charge in one hour through your own energy alone. Green and brilliant.

24. Flying Car: Terrafugia

Even though were well into the 2000s, nobody has come up with a Jetsons-style flying car. Until now. The Terrafugia Transition is more of a driving plane than a flying car, but its a promising first step. The worlds first street legal plane hits runways and highways in 2010.

23. Sony 3D-360 Hologram

No glasses needed! Just turn on your tabletop unit and enjoy a 360-degree view of images and possibly video through this stereoscopic display. Sony isnt yet sure what to use it for, but ads, video games, and medical visualizations are just a few ideas.

22. Xeros Waterless Washing Machine

The waterless washing machine isnt as sexy as some of the other gadgets arriving in 2010, but its conservation qualities should be applauded. It uses nylon beads and a spin cycle to clean your clothes, saving water while potentially reducing the need for dryers.

21. Recompute: The Cardboard Computer

Cardboard is the new black. Legions of product made primarily of corrugated cardboard are hitting the market. This little beauty will benefit anyone who has ever broken that little sticker while changing out a sound card or adding memory to a CPU.

20. Powermat Wireless Battery Charger

If youre tired of carrying around one charger per electronic toy, youre in luck. The Powermat lets you charge your iPhone, Blackberry, Nintendo DS, and most other gadgets on the same mat. One mat, one plug.

19. Samsung Water-Powered Battery

Sure, one mat, one plug is cool. But what if you didnt have to plug in at all? Samsung is speeding past the AC plug, around the solar charger, and directly into the water faucet. Its new micro-fuel cell and genereator rpowers your cell phone through water alone. Jurys still out on whether it will work long-term.

18. Camaro: Tranformers Edition

Love muscle cars? Have you seen Transformers more times than all your nieces and nephews?
Then this head-turner is for you. Note that the car does not actually transform, nor does it come with any multi-weaponry.

17. Apple Tablet

It has always been tough to determine what Apple will put out in the next year. But this time, the anecdotal evidence seems to add up. Its safe to say you will see a touchscreen-based tablet Apple product that will both fight with Kindle for books and netbook manufacturers for small computing.

16. The Honda Bicycle Simulator

As part of a universal quest to replicate outdoor activities without actually going outside, Honda has unveiled a new kind of bicycle. It doesnt actually go anywhere, but it does simulate real-life situations riders may face on the way to work or the store. Think of it as defensive driving for bicyclists.

15. Panasonic 50-inch 3D 1080p Plasma TV

Image: Slashgear

Have you noticed the slew of new movies coming out in 3D? This new kind of TV could be the reason. Once you spring for specialized glasses, a new Blu-ray player, and a bunch of 3-D DVDs, youll be ready for this TV.

14. Gibbs Quadski

Heres the scene. 007 is in the middle of an ATV chase, 4-wheelers spewing mud all around him as he speeds toward the sea. He looks like hes done for. Then, suddenly, he plows into the ocean and hits a button. The wheels on his ATV fold as he speeds away, spraying water on the bad guys. This ATV/Jetski can be yours next year, in the form of the Quadski. Bad guys not included.

13. Space Elevator

Image: Spaceward Foundation

You cant actually buy one of these, but you might be able to help build one and then own it. The Space Elevator, formerly the stuff of science fiction, will become reality in 2010, when building teams will compete for cashand bragging rightsto actually get it done.

12. 2010 Brabus Mercedes-Benz Viano Lounge

Tilt back in your leather lounge chair. Turn on the Sat TV. Load your Nespresso machine with the finest coffee beans in the world, then take a photo of it all with your iPhone. Load the photo and to your Twitpic from the on-board Sony Vaio laptop. Did I mention that you can do all this while cruising down the interstate at 80 mph? Classy.

11. Plasma Scalpel

Touted as a lightsaber for military doctors, the new plasma scalpel works by using ionized gas in a controlled light beam. This simultaneously slices and cauterizes a wound on the battlefield. Coming in 2010 to a war zone near you. Heres to hoping you never see one!

10. Touch Wood

Theres only one thing cooler than corrugated cardboard in technology. Its name is wood. The Japanese are leading a trend called Mori Girl (Forest girl), which aims to limit the use of plastic by using sustainable wood instead.

9. V12 Dual-Touchscreen Notebook

Canova 2.0 is working with an undisclosed US manufacturer to change the screen game. The new dual-LCD screen laptop could take the form of big iPhone-style touchscreens or, if theyre working with a different company (they wont say who it is), simply one of the neatest laptops ever to hit markets.

8. OnLive

Image: Onlive

OnLive is simple: Play the hottest video games from your TV, PC or Mac over a broadband connection. No console, no discs. Some very smart people are predicting that OnLive might be the console killer. That may be stretching it, but the technology seen at E3 is hard to argue with.

7. MyKey by Ford

Teens have a propensity for unsafe driving. Thats hardly news, but what parents can now do to encourage safe driving is. The MyKey can be set to control the vehicle by limiting speed, chiming when the gas tank is 75 miles from empty, and limiting the cars audio by as much as 44%. Kids will hate it. Thats probably why its such a good thing.

6. Tri-Specs

Image: TriSpecs

You have your phone, your iPod, your headphones, and your wi-fi headset, in case you get a call. You have your sunglasses. Youre ready to goor are you? What if you could pull on your shades and have all of the above, in one cool package? Enter Tri-Specs. They come built-in Bluetooth wireless headphones for an MP3 Player or cell phone, retractable earbuds, built-in volume control, and even voice control. For $200, you can be the coolest kid on the block.

5. Microsoft Xbox360 Project Natal

Now that Microsoft did the wireless controller right, theyre throwing it out the virtual Window in favor of Project Natal. Rumored to be coming at one of next years conferences, PN will have no controller or wires connecting you with the screen. Well see if it works.

4. Google Wave

Google has a way of inventing things that people do not know they need until they understand the product. Its latest such creation is Google Wave. Its not email. Its not chat. Rather, a Wave is a document that acts like a conversation, live and changeable on the fly. Rich media drives the experience. But you wont really know how much you need it until Google actually gives it to you.

3. The KS810 Keyboard Scan


This keyboard with a fully-integrated scanner takes product hybridization one step further. The KS810 keyboard contains a full-color, 600dpi scanner that lets you drop scans into most online applications. If keyboard scanning isnt your thing, product creator Lifeworks is also offering a keyboard with a built-in iPod dock.

2. Corrugated Cardboard Laptop Case

Image: Inhabitat

If youre sick and tired of those cool-looking black leather laptop cases, rejoice! Giles Miller has designed a customizable cardboard box for that perfectly fits your little Netbook. You can even put your own logo on it. Take that, Targus.

1. Gocycle Electric Bicycle

Image: Mecho

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Interesting Facts

There are few things which perhaps we didn't know ...


1. Coca-Cola was originally green.


2. The most common name in the world is Mohammed.


3.The name of all the continents end with the same letter
that they start with.


4. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.


5. There are two credit cards for every person in the United


6. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using
the letters only on one row of the keyboard.


7. Women blink nearly twice as much as men!


8. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.


9. It is impossible to lick your elbow.


10. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when
you sneeze ,your heart stops for a millisecond.


11. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the


12. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be
the toughest tongue twister in the English language.


13. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you
try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel
in your head or neck and die.


14. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great
king from history.

Spades - King David

Clubs - Alexander the Great,

Hearts - Charlemagne

Diamonds - Julius Caesar.


15. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321


16. If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both
front legs in the air, the person died in battle.

If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as
a result of wounds received in battle.

If the horse has a all four legs on the ground, the person
died of natural causes.


17 What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield
wipers and laser printers all have in common?

Ans.. - All invented by women.


18. Question - This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What
is this?

Ans. - Honey


19. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.


20. A snail can sleep for three years.


21. All polar bears are left handed..


22. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating
one olive from each salad served in first-class.


23. Butterflies taste with their feet.


24.Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.


25.In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been


26. On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.


27. Shakespeare invented the word 'assassination' and


28. Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the
left hand.


29. The ant always falls over on its right side when


30. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.


31. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.


32. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats
could have over million descendants.


33. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.


34. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.


35. Most lipstick contains fish scales.


36. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different


37. And finally 99% of people who read this will try to lick
their elbow

Friday, August 13, 2010

Peepli Live Review and Rating: Knocking at the Oscars 2011

Rating: 4/5 (strongly recommended for those who seek real cinema)

Review: Woman director Anusha Rizvi brilliantly spins a yarn on the backdrop of a fictitious village named Peepli in the state of Mukhya Pradesh. The protagonists Natha and Budhiya (portrayed masterly by Omkar Das and Raghubir Yadav) are thrown in hurriedly and before you can blink, the theme of the story is rapidly woven revolving around the abysmal poverty of the Indian farmers. Devastated and despondent, they seek refuge in suicide after learning that the government grants a handsome compensation to the family of the victim.

As the story of suicide-scheme leaks out, the entire village is inundated by a herd of media men who engulf Natha’s life probing into his personal space and hounding him even when he is defecating in the open. A bunch of corrupt politicians and ministers toss the blame on each other eyeing a morsel of the limelight with an aim to strengthen their political chair prior to the election.

Paparazzi raid Natha’s privacy as well his house as Anusha craftily depicts the evil face of tabloid. The climax is satirical with a hint of suspense and a touch of gloom as a heart-rending message is thrown in consciously.

On the whole, Peepli Live is sure to ride initially on the strength and credibility of its iconic actor/producer Aamir Khan and once that is achieved, the powerful content is sure to speak for itself. Peepli Live is a film that would not only appeal to Indians, but is sure to reach out to audiences beyond India. Simply brilliant!

Conclusion: Overall, the flick is gripping and bathed in relevance and contemplative thoughtfulness. There is a bright chance that the film shall knock at the Oscars 2011 since it’s short, brisk, relevant, socially-arousing and an authentic replica of Indian culture & civilization……

Indian Talented Guy

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Wednesday 11, Aug 2010SadhuSadhu
Wednesday 11, Aug 2010

Thursday 12, Aug 2010Miss Chintamani MA
Thursday 12, Aug 2010

Tholi PataTholi Pata
Thursday 12, Aug 2010

Jeeva Poonga
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Friday 13, Aug 2010HelpHelp
Friday 13, Aug 2010

Friday 13, Aug 2010

And Once AgainAnd Once Again
Friday 13, Aug 2010

Peepli [Live]Peepli [Live]
Friday 13, Aug 2010

Eat, Pray, LoveEat, Pray, Love
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Eat Pray Love Eat Pray Love
Friday 13, Aug 2010

The ExpendablesThe Expendables
Friday 13, Aug 2010

Saturday 14, Aug 2010Sare Nee IstamSare Nee Istam
Saturday 14, Aug 2010

Saturday 14, Aug 2010

Saturday 14, Aug 2010

Sunday 15, Aug 2010JayaheyJayahey
Sunday 15, Aug 2010

100 Devudostaadu100 Devudostaadu
Sunday 15, Aug 2010

Bhavani IPSBhavani IPS
Sunday 15, Aug 2010

Sunday 15, Aug 2010

Thursday 19, Aug 2010Sivappu Samy
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Friday 20, Aug 2010Lafangey ParindeyLafangey Parindey
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My Son, My Son, What Have Ye DoneMy Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done
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The HoleThe Hole
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Big BBig B
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Mr. Bhatti On ChuttiMr. Bhatti On Chutti
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Saturday 21, Aug 2010Manasa Thulli Padake
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Saturday 21, Aug 2010

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Bhale Ammailu
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Thursday 26, Aug 2010RoshamRosham
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Kavalar KudiyiruppuKavalar Kudiyiruppu
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Chukkalanti Ammayi Chakkanaina AbbayiChukkalanti Ammayi Chakkanaina Abbayi
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Friday 27, Aug 2010Benny And BablooBenny And Babloo
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Paan Singh TomarPaan Singh Tomar
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Oh My GodOh My God
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Hello DarlingHello Darling
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Friday 27, Aug 2010

Peter Gaya Kaam SePeter Gaya Kaam Se
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The Last ExorcismThe Last Exorcism
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Friday 27, Aug 2010

Life ExpressLife Express
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Do Dilon Ke Khel MeinDo Dilon Ke Khel Mein
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Dunno Jaane KyunDunno Jaane Kyun
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Run Bhola Run
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Soch LoSoch Lo
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Saturday 28, Aug 2010Lechipodhama
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Bunty...The Bad Boy
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Friday 03, Sep 2010MallikaMallika
Friday 03, Sep 2010

A Distant MirageA Distant Mirage
Friday 03, Sep 2010

Saturday 04, Sep 2010NandhalalaNandhalala
Saturday 04, Sep 2010

Sunday 05, Sep 2010Pilla Dorikithe PelliPilla Dorikithe Pelli
Sunday 05, Sep 2010

Thursday 09, Sep 2010Lava Kusa - The Warrior TwinsLava Kusa - The Warrior Twins
Thursday 09, Sep 2010

Thursday 09, Sep 2010

Friday 10, Sep 2010No ProblemNo Problem
Friday 10, Sep 2010

Albino Farm
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Friday 10, Sep 2010

Friday 10, Sep 2010

We Are FamilyWe Are Family
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Resident Evil: AfterlifeResident Evil: Afterlife
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Saturday 11, Sep 2010HousefullHousefull
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9th Class9th Class
Saturday 11, Sep 2010

Cheta Venna MuddaCheta Venna Mudda
Saturday 11, Sep 2010

Sunday 12, Sep 2010RamdevRamdev
Sunday 12, Sep 2010

Monday 13, Sep 2010Pandavulu
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Tuesday 14, Sep 2010Love You Raa
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Tuesday 14, Sep 2010

Tuesday 14, Sep 2010

Allam VellulliAllam Vellulli
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Tuesday 14, Sep 2010

Tuesday 14, Sep 2010

Wednesday 15, Sep 2010Orey Vasthava Raava
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Friday 17, Sep 2010FlippedFlipped
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Saturday 18, Sep 2010Jalak
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Tuesday 21, Sep 2010Najarana
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Wednesday 22, Sep 2010You Will Meet a Tall Dark StrangerYou Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger R
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Thursday 23, Sep 2010PrasthanamPrasthanam
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Friday 24, Sep 2010Crook: It's Good To Be BadCrook: It's Good To Be Bad
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Allah Ke BandayAllah Ke Banday
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Anjaana AnjaaniAnjaana Anjaani
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Friday 01, Oct 2010The RoommateThe Roommate
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Sunday 03, Oct 2010Ninu Chusina KshananaNinu Chusina Kshanana
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Tuesday 05, Oct 2010Abbo VaadaAbbo Vaada
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Prateekara Jwala
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Tuesday 05, Oct 2010

Tuesday 05, Oct 2010

Wednesday 06, Oct 2010Taanokkade
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Thursday 07, Oct 2010City Life
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Friday 08, Oct 2010Going the DistanceGoing the Distance
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Friday 08, Oct 2010

Phillum CityPhillum City
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Sunday 10, Oct 2010Alpha and OmegaAlpha and Omega
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Monday 11, Oct 2010Veedu ManavaadeVeedu Manavaade
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Tuesday 12, Oct 2010Preminchina KothaloPreminchina Kothalo
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Young Boys
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Wednesday 13, Oct 2010Mitaayi
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Thursday 14, Oct 2010Baburao…Ninnodala
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Mohini Jaganmohini
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Thursday 14, Oct 2010

Plus TwoPlus Two
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Thursday 14, Oct 2010

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